As I note in the title bar - VentureCyclist is an amalgamation of my (prior) Venture Capital and Cyclist personas.

Articles labelled with the VC:VC tag compare Venture Capital (and hence also startups) with cycling (e.g. here) and also with non-profits and non-profit startups (e.g. here). (I should really use the term not-for-profit, since many commercial startups are non-profit for far too long!) This side of my life involves board and informal advisory work with a series of non-profits (including  Hazon, HealthLeads, and The Right Question Institute).

The reason my cycling is also a symbol of my not-for-profit work is as follows. I am a cyclist because of my involvement in Hazon, a Jewish non-profit, whose mission is to create healthier and more sustainable communities in the Jewish world and beyond. Hazon runs many wonderful programs, but is particularly well known for its bike rides. In 2000, the organization was founded with a cross-USA environmental ride, which is being repeated in 2012, with plans for it to be an annual event in future. There is also the Israel Ride, supporting both Hazon and the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies where Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians and Americans work together on environmental issues, which of course know no political boundaries. There are also annual rides in New York and the Bay Area. So far I have been a regular on the NY ride, and have hopes and plans for the others some day!

To see the full list of VC:VC posts, click here!

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