Critical Mass

The phrase "critical mass", as the name of an article in Wikipedia, references critical mass bike rides. At the end of the Hazon NY ride each Labor Day weekend, we have a mini critical mass ride from the boathouse in Riverside Park, up a few blocks to the JCC. A couple of hundred cyclists all riding together in Manhattan is something to be seen. It is always a highlight of the ride, and lots of fun.

Using the more, shall we say, pedestrian use of the phrase, we have certainly reached critical mass for registration this year, as usual, but because we are in a larger venue, there is still room to join us. Please consider it ... check out all the details at the Hazon NY Ride website, and feel free to send me questions directly or in the comments section of this blog posting.

This morning we did not really have a critical mass, but we did have the first ever Hazon training bike ride in the Boston area. Aaron Desatnik led a great ride from Alewife to the Charles, down to Jamaica Pond and the Arboretum and back through Brookline. Seven cyclists started in misty cool weather a little after 9am and 26 miles later returned in burning sun. Our pace was very comfortable and everyone seemed to have fun, and enjoy the fact that if they could do this, the NY ride itself would be easy to build up to in a couple of months. I look forward to more of these in the weeks ahead, and would also welcome anyone to join us. Again, contact me to be put on the list!

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